It’s really great for someone who doesn’t know how to use debain itself and their community are super friendly so do you think it’s worth it’s legacy
I’m pro-systemd so that’s an immediate pass from me.
Why would that make it a pass? Did you read the whole thing? It includes SystemD by default and an option to easily switch to it.
I admittedly missed the last part way down at the bottom about
. I suppose that’s more acceptable… but still you’re going to be using a minority distro with a minority configuration … that rarely ends well.All it does is symlink init to systemd. That is very unlikely to ever cause a problem. It will function the same as using SystemD by default. This distro has been around and working well for quite a long time now.
… and I’m sure it still has a fraction of the users of more mainstream distros and a fraction of those people actually using the systemd init system.
A fraction, but still not an insignificant amount. Either way, all it does it change /sbin/init to be a symlink to systemd. That’s the same exact thing distros using systemd by default do.
how can someone be pro systemd lol. it’s been one of the cancers’ of the Linux desktop for years
It really hasn’t. Some people freaked out about it for weak reasons, similar to people freaking out about Wayland.
It’s made working across distros so much nicer. The fundamental service management, logging, etc is all just a bunch of common tools and patterns.
Fedora, Debian, Ubuntu, OpenSUSE, Majaro, etc didn’t switch to it because “it’s one of the cancer’s of the Linux desktop for years.”
Besides the Unix philosophy what problems do you have with systemd?
It may be a good distro if someone doesn’t have time to configure debian.
I’m drawing a blank on it… makes me think of MK Linux, AKA MicroKernel Linux from the 90s, but I’m pretty sure they’re not related if this is Debian-based.
How can someone not know how to use Debian though? It was a pain when 1.0 was released, but these days installs just as easily as Mint….
The theming is stunning
Debian is super easy to use, plus we have AI now at our fingertips which makes it even easier.
Will its really good but isn’t Linux mint de and especially MX is better than Debain for A few tools but i agree that they’re better than official Ubuntu and easier than vanilla arch
for someone who doesn’t know how to use debain itself
Huh? What special knowledge does using Debian require and what does MX do differently?
it’s basically Debain but more user friendly and it’s suitable for new Linux users
Yeah but how? What is Debian lacking in user-friendliness that MX is making up for?