By making a minor concession EU governments hope to find a majority next week to approve the controversial „chat control“ bill. According to the proposed child sexual abuse regulation (CSAR), providers of messengers, e-mail and chat services would be forced to automatically search all private messag
This point is huge, and on its own explains why half baked compromises are worthless.
The criminals will use banned chat apps, while innocent people get their messages read.
The reason they don’t care about that is that the whole thing isn’t about protecting children at all but about surveillance of the vast majority of people.
This. There are already plans on expanding what the surveillance is used for, as soon as it is possible to begin with.
“Think of the children” is just the trick they’re using to get their foot in the door. It being utterly ineffective in doing what they claim it’ll do, is irrelevant.
Your first mistake was assuming it’s an attempt in good faith.
Well that’s the point, catching CSAM is just a very convenient excuse. Once that’s through, it will just be a matter of extending it to terrorism. Then you can declare anyone a terrorist and bam you have free reign to monitor anyone you want.