Players : we open the door Me : ok. How exactly are you proceeding ? Do you touch the handle ? Them fretting for a minute, doing a couple checks, and finally trying the handle Me : the door opens no problems Them : what happens ? Me : nothing special.
Dont worry, I just do it once or twice per dungeon. It helps them remember to check the trapped doors.
I feel like trap checks should be passive checks or at least called out by the DM, otherwise dungeons can turn into a slog.
If you ask for a passif that isnt improvised then you decide in advance if they can find it and by whom.
I like to ask for die rolls. Because its a die rolling game. If I want them to know something for free without the risk of them failing it I will use passives as an excuse
Yeah asking for die rolls is a good play, I just think it’s boring when you take 10 minutes to open every door because every character has to independently check it for traps lol
Do like me. Max one check with help or 2 checks for anything. If it fails, try something else. If it really takes too long, next door the trap is obvious and the challenge is to disarm it.
It’s a difficult one to rule, as suddenly being meticulous about positioning and line of sight telegraphs that the players should suddenly be focused on these things. I usually just have them roll luck or try to perceive the threat before they accidentally trigger its ability. If they fail, they get a Medusa blast