Originally I’ve download the signal app through playstore, but often it also get updates from Droid-ify(Fdroid client). Today its weird and I got this . Explain to me this.
On the Droid-ify the signal app is provided by: org.thoughtcrimes.securesms
Originally I’ve download the signal app through playstore, but often it also get updates from Droid-ify(Fdroid client). Today its weird and I got this . Explain to me this.
On the Droid-ify the signal app is provided by: org.thoughtcrimes.securesms
Not a fan of that either, that really is unfortunate. But with a bit of common sense, a person should then ask about that, if the Play Store is not an option. It’s still not a reason to download it from a source you haven’t verified to be official
No thats absolutely a reason. Signal is 100% to blame that they have no fully FOSS code repository that could then simply be compiled by FDroid and shipped there.
Instead I have to rely on some Dude I know nothing about, Twinhelix could just as well spread Malware. But I like my updates through FDroid, I like a blob Free Signal
Or just use Molly