Originally I’ve download the signal app through playstore, but often it also get updates from Droid-ify(Fdroid client). Today its weird and I got this . Explain to me this.
On the Droid-ify the signal app is provided by: org.thoughtcrimes.securesms
Originally I’ve download the signal app through playstore, but often it also get updates from Droid-ify(Fdroid client). Today its weird and I got this . Explain to me this.
On the Droid-ify the signal app is provided by: org.thoughtcrimes.securesms
It’s a fake copy of Signal
The actual package name is org.thoughtcrime.securesms, not org.thoughtcrimes.securesms
Also Google officially recommends Signal on the Android website last I checked, so I don’t see why Play Protect would flag it as malware
edit: attach screenshot of package name
edit 2: fix typo in package name (accidentally typed thoughcrime)