This is interesting. I’ve been wanting to move to Linux forever with my work machine. I can’t due to a critical piece of software not working. It does work on android though. I wonder if I’ll need able to install this on another thinkpad.
What software is that? A lot of software works on Wine, which is very, very good these days. Unfortunately, its compatibility with USB devices is still not good, so if your software requires that, yeah, you’re probably SOL.
This is interesting. I’ve been wanting to move to Linux forever with my work machine. I can’t due to a critical piece of software not working. It does work on android though. I wonder if I’ll need able to install this on another thinkpad.
What software is that? A lot of software works on Wine, which is very, very good these days. Unfortunately, its compatibility with USB devices is still not good, so if your software requires that, yeah, you’re probably SOL.
Thanks! But Linux is about the inky platform they are not on.
I use a Tab S9. The key for me was Nextcloud+OnlyOffice+Code Server. So yea, it requires a Linux server for me to use Android, but it works for me.