Funko Pops, to me.

I understand that some of them are fairly overpriced, but I also really like them as is. It doesn’t work on all characters, but it sometimes work on a lot and there’s so much representation and variety that it’s good to have a few.

If people want to talk about waste of plastic and vinyl, they should bark at the companies who make teeny tiny figurines that serve no purpose and have so little detail that spending any money on them is a waste.

    4 months ago

    Cool! I appreciate your opinion! I should really stick to it this time. It seems besides The Expanse (still gotta watch that one) or Orville, we’re simply not spoiled with great sci-fi/sci-fantasy shows anymore. :)

    No matter what anyone thinks of the ending, it does at least have a conclusion.

    Oof, you’ve got a point there, pardner. (cries in Firefly)