They probably should question them. Even something as seemingly benign as Paracetamol is not without its issues if used too often, or after alcohol. It can do serious harm. Most medicine can.
Another fun medicine fact. Australia banned the sale of pseudoephedrine from store shelves quite some years ago to try and reduce domestic amphetamine production. Ever since, all of the major pharma brands have sold phenylephrine based cold and flu medicine as a replacement. Our Therapeutic Goods Administration recently found that this preparation is no better than placebo. We’re talking about a billion dollar industry that has been knowingly selling snake oil for ten years.
I guess what I’m saying is a healthy dose of skepticism and knowledge seeking should be applied to anything you are putting in your body or exchanging money for. The pharmaceutical industry are not saints. They’re just as driven by profit incentives as every other business.
This ^. There are so many medications out there that either do nothing, or the side effects are worse than what they’re treating. Pay attention to what you’re taking, and look into everything. The Pharma industry is about money. That’s it. Money. They don’t care about making you better, they care about what kind of profit they can make off of a new drug. There’s not a single pharma company that can be trusted. And this isn’t only drugs that they are more worried about making money on, vaccines too. You don’t really think the pharma companies came out with a COVID vaccine because it was best for humanity do you? They knew the government would pay whatever they asked for the vaccines, so they pushed them out as fast as they could. Work/doesn’t work? Doesn’t matter, as long as they made a profit.
I don’t think it’s some conspiracy that they have known and hid it. And at least in the states you can still get the real stuff behind the counter too with ID.
I’m not discrediting anything you said though just adding on.
They probably should question them. Even something as seemingly benign as Paracetamol is not without its issues if used too often, or after alcohol. It can do serious harm. Most medicine can.
Another fun medicine fact. Australia banned the sale of pseudoephedrine from store shelves quite some years ago to try and reduce domestic amphetamine production. Ever since, all of the major pharma brands have sold phenylephrine based cold and flu medicine as a replacement. Our Therapeutic Goods Administration recently found that this preparation is no better than placebo. We’re talking about a billion dollar industry that has been knowingly selling snake oil for ten years.
I guess what I’m saying is a healthy dose of skepticism and knowledge seeking should be applied to anything you are putting in your body or exchanging money for. The pharmaceutical industry are not saints. They’re just as driven by profit incentives as every other business.
This ^. There are so many medications out there that either do nothing, or the side effects are worse than what they’re treating. Pay attention to what you’re taking, and look into everything. The Pharma industry is about money. That’s it. Money. They don’t care about making you better, they care about what kind of profit they can make off of a new drug. There’s not a single pharma company that can be trusted. And this isn’t only drugs that they are more worried about making money on, vaccines too. You don’t really think the pharma companies came out with a COVID vaccine because it was best for humanity do you? They knew the government would pay whatever they asked for the vaccines, so they pushed them out as fast as they could. Work/doesn’t work? Doesn’t matter, as long as they made a profit.
They have known since 2009
I don’t think it’s some conspiracy that they have known and hid it. And at least in the states you can still get the real stuff behind the counter too with ID.
I’m not discrediting anything you said though just adding on.