I figure it’s a ritualistic thing that makes people feel comfortable. I do find the scripted back and forth so odd though. I always feel compelled to not give the scripted answer.
Me too. Usually changing the script slightly to exaggerate or be bombastic works for me. Ex. “How are you today?” “I’m doing just fantastic so far, how are you?” Or “ch-ch-ch-chillin,” sung to the tune of the Chia Pet jingle. Usually gets me further than “Good, you?” Social interaction is just another game I’ve had to get good at.
but im known around where I’m at for being ludicrously strong in calisthenics (i don’t think that compared to chris heria n all that, but the folks are my college rec r not that strong. and theyre mostly weight lifters… ew, so folks tell me I’m crazy) so people expect me to bring up rock climbing or calisthenics when i pull out 10 muscle ups, front lever, back lever, handstand pushups, etc. also im super close to planche but no cigar yet.
I figure it’s a ritualistic thing that makes people feel comfortable. I do find the scripted back and forth so odd though. I always feel compelled to not give the scripted answer.
Me too. Usually changing the script slightly to exaggerate or be bombastic works for me. Ex. “How are you today?” “I’m doing just fantastic so far, how are you?” Or “ch-ch-ch-chillin,” sung to the tune of the Chia Pet jingle. Usually gets me further than “Good, you?” Social interaction is just another game I’ve had to get good at.
Chchchchillin, chillin in the pool
Chchchchillin, drinking sodas looking cool
i just talk about my interests or smth
but im known around where I’m at for being ludicrously strong in calisthenics (i don’t think that compared to chris heria n all that, but the folks are my college rec r not that strong. and theyre mostly weight lifters… ew, so folks tell me I’m crazy) so people expect me to bring up rock climbing or calisthenics when i pull out 10 muscle ups, front lever, back lever, handstand pushups, etc. also im super close to planche but no cigar yet.
ugh i rambled about calisthenics again