The boss spends the money and takes the risk. Your risk is screwing up and getting fired, not losing millions of dollars. Easy enough to get a different job if you don’t like it.
See? Boss Man is putting in big risks. If he loses millions he might only still be a billionaire.
Me? Well if I lose my job I’ll just become homeless and destitute. I’m barely risking anything.
Thankfully I just remembered that Boss Man sold shares of his company to other folks so he doesn’t really have any risk at all! Phew! Sure am glad that’s working as designed.
Do you own the machinery that makes what you’re helping to make? Most things aren’t made by your hands alone.
The machines are but worthless scrap without the human labor to operate it.
They cost more too. Point is the boss has made numerous monetary investments and you just sell your time to make them work.
Boss pays other people to build the machines.
Boss pays other people to gather resources.
Boss pays other people to run the machines.
Because The Boss is so hardworking he gets to decide who gets the money.
This is capitalism.
The boss spends the money and takes the risk. Your risk is screwing up and getting fired, not losing millions of dollars. Easy enough to get a different job if you don’t like it.
See? Boss Man is putting in big risks. If he loses millions he might only still be a billionaire.
Me? Well if I lose my job I’ll just become homeless and destitute. I’m barely risking anything.
Thankfully I just remembered that Boss Man sold shares of his company to other folks so he doesn’t really have any risk at all! Phew! Sure am glad that’s working as designed.
Sorry. I forgot that you’re stuck at one job for life and unable to ever get another one without being homeless.
At the last few jobs I’ve had? Yeah. Cheap bastards made me buy my own fucking tools
Would that make you a contractor? You own the tools you use then you can go wherever else. If you aren’t a contractor then refuse and go elsewhere.