I just read this article and went ahead and preordered this game. It seems like such a fun time. I have a particular friend in mind that I think would love to play this with me. Figured I would share with this community.
That review was fun to read!
I really like these sort of games that try to be as minimal as possible, while still being whole games.
It annoys me so much when these articles don’t include a link to the website they are discussing.
Here you go friend:
We picked this up at Essen Spiel and had a blast with it. It’s also purposefully easy to carry on the go which I thought was novel!
Ah yes, of course! I would love to play it with you! Thanks!
The games looks really fun. I am currently playing Ghost of Tsushima so a Samurai duel feels very enticing. Going to watch some gameplay videos before ordering though.
Lol, might have to load this in table top simulator to play it. Gameplay videos seem to be a little sparse at the moment. There is an overview video on the lucky duck games YouTube about it, but it’s not real gameplay.
Other than that there are some other impression videos from the Reno Expo, but again, no real gameplay. I just impulse bought (preordered) it. For $15 it seems like if the gameplay can stay fresh this will be pretty popular. And I think it will be, because it seems like most of the gameplay is in your mind and how you read your opponent. Reminds me a bit of Nidhogg for PS4.
Mine just came in yesterday . . . what a fun, simple, but intense game!! My partner and I loved it. Bought a few more to gift.
I ordered it because of your post (after reading the linked review), so thank you!!
That’s great! Mine hasn’t come in yet though :(
I thought about grabbing a couple for friends too but figured I would wait to play it first. So glad you’re having fun!
Edit: I just checked my order status and it’s “in warehouse” so hopefully I’ll get it soon