Been playing “the isle” recently. Game has had/still has some questionable development happening around it, however, dinosaur. I’ve been enjoying it.
Have you heard of/seen highlanders? They’re one of my personal favorites. (Outside of whatever one is closest to me)
Most of this comment is out of left field. Wow. Uh.
Dealing with a couple coyotes. Honestly probably didn’t need a gun.
This study shows coyotes predate on humans up to 37% of known attacks. That person was fortunate to have a firearm.
Dude said he wouldn’t feel better with a rifle, well, from his personal anecdote, to mine, I would. I am much more likely to be accidentally shot by my friend with the handgun imo.
I don’t know how much of a problem that is, oh and it’s going to snag on something. I’m not a gun nut.
Your lack of experience is obvious. I’m not going to go into all the reasons you can clear buildings and rooms without reaching for a handgun, as muzzle discipline and accuracy become exponentially more difficult. There’s a reason SWAT breaches with rifles and not handguns, well, them and any one else that has quick access to a rifle in the situation.
consumerist trend to load up guns with extraneous shit and go for longer and longer guns.
I work at a gun store, that’s simply not true. SBRs and AR pistols exist and are extremely popular.
don’t compare what we did to terrorists, look at the IRA.
right, or the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. Or the literal decades of combat US special operators have with the platform since Vietnam, or any other of its long, violent life. Or you can ask any of these countries, or, look into any of these use cases
Maybe don’t chime in on things you’re absolutely clueless on? I’m trying to figure out how to put this somewhat nicely but you clearly have some misguided thoughts here. And none of this comment has anything to do with the fact that, if surrounded by a pack of hungry animals, I want an AR-style rifle personally.
Anecdote time! I went to infantry basic training and we were told over and over again, if you have to draw your sidearm, you’re dead. The AR absolutely is not too bulky for close quarters and I would feel much better with one on my hand than anything else. The US army has murdered a lot of people with M4 rifles in CQC. (My politics don’t align with a stereotype of a former infantryman. Please do not assume too much)
In either situation, with adrenaline, good luck getting shots on target.
Hmm, I don’t understand the downvotes but okay lmao I’m sorry that the AR platform is actually fine in close quarters?
Picked up peglin recently and I’ve gone back for a mech warrior run. Few others get cycled in as well. But those two the most right now.
Hm, sounds like the opening paragraph to a mod, we should call it “better than armadillo’s” and essentially fork Minecraft into the game we think it should be.
Oh, what’s that? Modders did that with wolves 10 years ago… oh, I’m old.
My biggest thing personally is the UI. Which is also getting a facelift. It’s not super intuitive. I think the overhauled tutorials, along with some UI changes are going to make this game exponentially more accessible.
I’m not a X4 vet either. I have a couple hundred hours. Which, the X4 vets will have saves with hundreds or thousands of hours. But, I feel like I’ve barely scratched the surface. I’m not sure what the price is. I bought it on sale about a year ago. Though, even if I spent $70(which it is not) I definitely have gotten enough enjoyment to justify that! I think it goes on sale fairly regularly though if the price is a bit too much for you now!
That might even be better. That’s cool that a stray trusts you like that.
Wow, teeny. Adorable
What’s that contraption you’re lookin at?
That’s incredible form for a shoulder cat! I couldn’t imagine mine sitting like that, she stretches out across my shoulders.
I currently have fairly large claw marks up my back. Worth it. She’s normally pretty careful hahaha
My lap cat does this when I stop petting him for 3/4’s of a second. :/
That’s how they getcha. And what are you going to do? Ignore their adorable little mews? They’re DyInG!
Good to know! I don’t think I’m particularly close to any. I live in a pretty small town, but, yeah, it’s not that I’m worried about my dogs in particular, it’s other’s. Same reason I’ll never get a motorcycle in essence. Also, when my lab growing up would come back from more public dog areas, they always had some sort of learned behavior that wasn’t there before. Whether neutral or negative. A lot like children lol
I’ve been looking at a lab! I grew up with a yellow lab. Greatest dogs. So patient. I just need a fence
Hahahah that’s awesome. My other cat is a very content lap cat, I couldn’t imagine juggling two!
They make incredible scarfs in the morning when it’s kinda chilly lol
Bump sticks are ineffective as a way to increase fire rate and are a gimmick. They are notoriously unreliable. If you want to be scared, look up binaries triggers(or don’t) but they aren’t really used in crime. Other than a case here in my state, and I believe one other. Contrary to popular belief, it’s not the scary looking guns that kill most people. The majority of gun reported shootings, are suicides, or, inner city crime. Neither of which I condone by any means, however, people are not walking around with bump stocks.