It’s either the full volume Facebook video feed, texting with the keyboard sounds on, or microwaving sardines.
Ugh, nothing drives me up the wall quite as much as hearing someone browse TikTok on their phone at full volume
It could be worse, they could be listening to Joe Rogan.
Could be worse. Could be the Daily Wire or Alex Jones.
No joke, I was walking down the sidewalk the other night and some giant SUV drove by, decided they had to turn around and did a 30 point turn in the middle of the street, and the entire time I can clearly hear Joe Rogan selling some supplement. All the windows of the SUV were closed and I was a good 20 feet away. I assume the driver was half deaf but only through their own actions and also assume this is a representative sample of listeners, based on Joe Rogan fans being how they are.
My wife does this… She’s damn lucky she’s the love of my life 😅
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This hits a lot different when you work from home.
Or the coworkers who can see you’re eating but can’t take a social cue that you aren’t interested in talking and make a beeline right over.
Wife and I are in a hospital waiting room yesterday for her appointment. This ditz across from us has her phone on what seemed like max volume watching some garbage about drinking this magic potion and losing 19 pounds with no effort.
She’s completely oblivious to us, just keeps watching at max volume. After staring at her for about 30 seconds and getting no reaction I finally not-so-nicely ask her to either put on her headphones or turn the crap off as I don’t want to hear it. She quickly shuts off whatever it was she was watching.
Seems like so many people have sadly lost all decorum on how to behave in public. Yes, I’m old but so was she!
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Just talk to the person, and ask nicely for them to either put on a headset or watch without sound? Usually works for me
If the job site has a policy against headphones, I’d be blaming that. I’ve gotten yelled at for pulling mine out while on break/lunch at a few jobs, which is totally bullshit. I’m not working, and am just sitting in the break room, not in any danger because I can’t hear shit. Fuck off.
I’ve worked in machine shops for over 20 years, and the strictest I’ve seen is “one ear plug in, the other can be an ear bud.” Never seen a complete ban, and that is complete bull shit. I feel for you.