Despite assurances for years that Hikvision has stopped minority analytics, just 7 months ago local PRC authorities awarded a $6 million contract that explicitly requires Hikvision analytics to identify Uyghurs (维族), powered by NVIDIA hardware, security specialist IPVM says.
Now if HikVision was only to show all the proud racists where their ancestors are really from…
A reason why you should never give Internet access to those shitty cameras.
I’m reminded of IBM’s dealings with the Nazis.
Everyone’s reminder that the number tattoos were the victim’s immutable IBM database IDs!
It’s a stretch to blame NVIDIA for someone buying their hardware off of a shelf and using it for something shitty. It’d be like blaming Sony if it was found that child abuse rings prefer to use their cameras.
That was pretty much IBM’s excuse, if I recall correctly. Then it turned out IBM execs were well aware of who was buying their equipment and for what purpose…