Anyone old enough to remember using v1.0?
Off-topic, your hair looks like it’s charged by your touching the coffee cup.
Need the coffee to figure out my dependency tree after decades of manually installing things… ☕ (I kid, of course. That’s what the meth is for…)
I installed 1.0… all 23 discs that I downloaded at 2400bps because I couldn’t afford a faster modem.
Does the math. 24 disks, 1.44 MB each. 34.5 MB total. That’s 34,500,000 bytes. 2400 bps is actually 300 bytes per second, assuming no bits wasted on error correction or something. So 115k seconds. Or about 32 hours. Assuming no errors, blips, kids pickup up the phone, etc. Probably at least three days if you can only use your modem during off-peak hours like most of us dial up users of the era.
Do you remember it fondly? Or do you shudder in pain? ;)
Before CD distros? Ma Bell loved us lots … or at least our wallets.
Not OP but, personally not having a modem at that time, I convinced a well-off friend that he should try it. Then I copied his disks.
I never want to touch a Slackware box, but I respect the hell out of it, and I’m glad it exists