Schneier: AI will enable a shift from observing actions to interpreting intentions, en masse.
Benj Edwards - 12/5/2023, 8:53 PM
In an editorial for Slate published Monday, renowned security researcher Bruce Schneier warned that AI models may enable a new era of mass spying, allowing companies and governments to automate the process of analyzing and summarizing large volumes of conversation data, fundamentally lowering barriers to spying activities that currently require human labor.
Are we not already there?
Subtitle of the article:
Spying has always been limited by the need for human labor. A.I. is going to change that.
They already collect mountains of data and metadata. I think the scary and new thing that AI has the potential for is faster, cheaper, and more effective ANALYSIS of that data… and to what end? (Almost) nothing good.
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Remind your friends that end-to-end encrypted messaging is a thing that exists.
I think we are in a state of mass surveillance already. AI probably isn’t helping but the machine learning that powers it all has been around for a while it this point
I think we entered that era quite some time ago now, would make it easier for them tho
No, the really scary thing is that AI will be able to parse through already-generated historical data and link you to everything you’ve ever done on the internet.
There was an entire season on South Park about that
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AI Genocide, fun times.
I wonder if AI will one day be able to be trained to predict when someone is about to do crime. That would sure be fun.