Nothing to be proud of, Germany. When one of my besties ended up with severe anxiety and depression, she was prescribed St John’s Wort instead of proper medication. The anxiety exacerbated her stomach ulcer, the ulcer gave her a heart infection, her reduced immunity gave her pneumonia and she died. She was 35.
I can’t stand Germany’s Calvinistic approach to medication (same for the Netherlands). Although the US goes too far the other way.
And yes, I could have typed this in German, but it would have taken me half an hour (and I don’t trust Google translate).
St. John’s Wort can be proper medication for at least moderate depression and anxiety, it depends on the dosage. If it is simple pills from a supplement store, they they wont do anything. If it is a highly concentrated extract that you need a prescription for in Germany, it will work wonders. I know because I take it to combat the anxiety and depression caused by getting medical complications.
St John’s Wort at high extract doseages can ease severe depression without the sides of Citalopram, but it wont make the symptoms disappear completely.